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Computer Upgrades

Excellent Computer Upgrade Services

• Personalized Services
• Over 16 Years of Experience
• Quick Turnaround Time

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Rely on Us for Computer Upgrade Services

Is it time for a new computer? If you're looking at getting a new machine or are considering an upgrade to an old one, talk to the Granite Country Computer Repair, LLC experts! It's best to consider all of your options before making a move. From your documents, pictures, and music to your bookmarked websites and saved logins, there is much that you do not want to lose in transitioning to a new machine.

With our expert data migration service, you will be able to bring with you to the new machine all of what makes your computer yours.

Let Us Upgrade Your Computer Without Any Hassle

Some of the simplest upgrades will make your computer useful for years to come. For instance, additional memory or a larger hard drive installation can breathe new life into an older reliable machine.

Some upgrades might not be supported by certain computers. Get our expert advice to find out exactly what works best for you. Contact us to discuss your needs today!

Do you need a service that is not listed here?

Talk directly to the owner who will work on your computer or laptop.

(320) 685-3222

(320) 685-3222

John has always surprised me with his ability to repair, clean up, and refresh our Mac's to near-new!

- Jamie Cobbs

Learn More About

Granite Country Computer Repair, LLC

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